I am actually felt something bad every time I saw someone which can breastfed her son/daughter successfully while I can't.
Me : Abang, Sayang rasa macam menyesal mula-mula dulu tak try bagi jugak Ziyad breastfeed directly.
Abang : Kita dah try.. Sayang dah lupa ke kita selalu try?
Yes I forgot. I forgot the time both of us kept trying but the outcome didn't worth my loads of tears that time.
Abang said that I should thank God that Ziyad at least can fully enjoy his mom's breastmilk for 3 weeks. There are some people out there which do not have breastmilk at all to feed their offspring. Or maybe do have but unable to give their child the breastmilk due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Everyone keeps on asking me about Ziyad 'dah boleh dah direct feeding?'
Yes he can but I'm starting to undergo milk deprivation. As Ziyad grows up, his amount of feeding is increasing and my milk is not enough to give him sense of fullness. That makes us decided to give him formula milk in addition to expressed breastmilk.
Poor Ziyad. I know! but I can't bear his starving cry when the milk is not enough.
Thanks to everyone who suggesting me macam - macam petua to overcome my problems. I know all of you are concern. Thank you thank you. But the practicals is not as simple as theories. Hanya yang melalui saja tahu cabaran dan halangannya.
Thank you UmmuMiqdad, UmmuUwais, UmmuFathi, UmmuSofiyyah and UmmuHibriyyah yang sentiasa bagi nasihat dan sokongan. Betul, hanya ibu ibu memahami ibu ibu.
Giving up?
No, I'm not.
I tried my best to give the best to Ziyad and I will always try no matter how hard it is.
Wahai Allah, golongkanlah kami di antara hamba- hambamu yang bersyukur.
Me : Abang, Sayang rasa macam menyesal mula-mula dulu tak try bagi jugak Ziyad breastfeed directly.
Abang : Kita dah try.. Sayang dah lupa ke kita selalu try?
Yes I forgot. I forgot the time both of us kept trying but the outcome didn't worth my loads of tears that time.
Abang said that I should thank God that Ziyad at least can fully enjoy his mom's breastmilk for 3 weeks. There are some people out there which do not have breastmilk at all to feed their offspring. Or maybe do have but unable to give their child the breastmilk due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Everyone keeps on asking me about Ziyad 'dah boleh dah direct feeding?'
Yes he can but I'm starting to undergo milk deprivation. As Ziyad grows up, his amount of feeding is increasing and my milk is not enough to give him sense of fullness. That makes us decided to give him formula milk in addition to expressed breastmilk.
Poor Ziyad. I know! but I can't bear his starving cry when the milk is not enough.
Thanks to everyone who suggesting me macam - macam petua to overcome my problems. I know all of you are concern. Thank you thank you. But the practicals is not as simple as theories. Hanya yang melalui saja tahu cabaran dan halangannya.
Thank you UmmuMiqdad, UmmuUwais, UmmuFathi, UmmuSofiyyah and UmmuHibriyyah yang sentiasa bagi nasihat dan sokongan. Betul, hanya ibu ibu memahami ibu ibu.
Giving up?
No, I'm not.
I tried my best to give the best to Ziyad and I will always try no matter how hard it is.
Dari Anas r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : "Sesungguhnya Allah meredhai hambanya yang apabila dia makan sesuatu makanan, dia bersyukur dengannya. Dan apabila dia minum sesuatu minuman, dia bersyukur dengannya"
Wahai Allah, golongkanlah kami di antara hamba- hambamu yang bersyukur.
Kak Ummipun gitu dik.5 orang anak, tak pernah berkemampuan menyusu lama.Malah ada yang sekadar habis pantang sahaja!Bergenang airmata bila melihatkan ibu-ibu yang berjaya menyusukan anak mereka secara eksklusif selama 2 tahun atau lebih.Tak kurang juga sindiran dari mereka-mereka yang tiada ditimpa masalah dalam menyusu secara eksklusif.Namun tanggungjawab kita bukan sekadar penyusuan eksklusif itu sahaja..DIDIKAN..itulah yang sangat-sangat memainkan peranan penting dalam pentarbiyahan akhlak seorang anak dan itulah juga yang akan membezakan 'kita' dari 'mereka' walaupun kita tidak mampu menandingi'mereka'dalam aspek penyusuan.Sekurang-kurangnya kita dah berikhtiar. Berterimakasihlah dik pada suami yang banyak memberikan sokongan...InsyaAllah Kak Ummi yakin kalian berdua pasti akan berjaya membentuk generasi soleh yang bakal menjadi Imam kepada mereka yang bertaqwa...
terima kasih kak ummi. inilah yang dikatakan rezeki masing-masingh kan. semoga anak-anak kami juga terdidik dengan baik. insyaAllah.
Assalamualaikaum adik....
Nama akak faridah, salah sorang administrator dari Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer couselor.Akak dapat blog ni dari adik akak Siti Safura.
Fist of all, congratuulation for breastfeed your baby, eventho full of challenges.
Breastfeeding is natural but not everytime it comes naturally..most of the time esp for the first time mother, help is needed.
Where are you now? If you are in Malaysia we have many peer counselors around Malaysia who can help to overcome breastfeeding problem.
If you are oversea, you can contact me at myzulfa@gmail.com if you need any kind of help.
Many good websites on breastfeeding are avalaible such as kellymom.com, llli.org, workandpump.com.Try to read and who know it can give you ways to overcome your problems.
Almost all (except a minority with hormonal problem) moms can breastfeed.Believe in yourself and dont hesitate to ask for help and support.
Hope this helps.
Breastfeeding is fitrah
Breastfeeding is sunnah.
and i'm actually felt sympathy every time i saw babies which breastfeed and while my daughter, Mia Antasha Humaira doesn't... she's never getting breastfeed... his mom gone
and i'm actually felt sympathy every time i saw babies which breastfeed and while my daughter, Mia Antasha Humaira doesn't... she's never getting breastfeed... her mom gone
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